: Blade and Sword - PC : Video Games

: Blade and Sword - PC : Video Games

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Blade and sword pc game.Download Blade and Sword for free PC game


Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews What's this? Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Ratings. User Score. Your Score. Rate this:. Share this?

Summary: Blade and Sword, the first PC Game title which combines Diablo-like action elements and Street Fighter arcade combat together, ushers in a new era in computer Role-Playing, that of the Action-RPG with amazing action and breath-taking martial arts from ancient China. Buy on. Critic Reviews. Score distribution:. Positive: 0 out of Mixed: 17 out of Negative: 8 out of Adrenaline Vault.

Style enough to make up for the shortcomings of completely unoriginal mechanics, style enough to compensate for the excessive difficulty and style in such quantities to make other developers turn green with envy. All this publication's reviews Read full review. Computer and Video Games. The graphics and audio themselves are pitiful, but at least expressive, dating the game quite significantly.

One huge disappointment in Blade and Sword is the total absence of a multiplayer mode! Just a few good multiplayer options could have made this game a little more interesting or at least extended the replay value. Computer Games Magazine. Carl "Kung Fu Fighting" Williams would be happy about the addition of kung fu combo attacks to the hack-and-slash formula , but everyone else will be bored silly by mindless repetition and deeply flawed design.

All this publication's reviews. User Reviews. Write a Review. Positive: 2 out of 3. Mixed: 0 out of 3. Negative: 1 out of 3. Simply beautiful. I can put this on the same level as Diablo II is. Shame they dont make games anymore with an atmopshere like this gem has. Recommended for ARPG fans. One of the most underrated and one of the best arpg at all times. It does not have more sophisticated skill system or more classes, neither One of the most underrated and one of the best arpg at all times.

It is very addictive, challenging. With Diablo 2, Titan quest Highly recommended. I beated the game on hardest difficulty and coming back to this game even after more than hours in Diablo 3. This speaks for all. Try it, it is not worst like best arpg available. Very bad grafics, It would have been ok in '98, but not nowadays. Gameplay gets pretty quick boring, and the fightings are very simple. This game is 6 years too late. Essential Links. By Metascore By user score. All Current Games ».

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Martha is Dead. Serious Sam: Tormental. Babylon's Fall.



Blade and sword pc game -

    All the while I was sweating bullets, hoping the game wouldn't crash on me.


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